On 20th August, Actor Prakash Raj tweeted about India’s lunar mission. Meanwhile, his tweet includes the cartoon pouring the tea, which addresses PM Narendra Modi’s past. Prakash Raj captioned his tweet as “First Picture from Chandrayaan 3”. People trolled actor Prakash Raj for mocking Chandrayaan 3 and Indian Scientist. After his tweet went viral mocking Chandrayaan 3, people slammed Prakash Raj for his hateful words on the hard work of Indian Scientists and the achievement of ISRO. People also scolded Prakash Raj that Chandrayaan 3 is a matter of India’s Pride and not a tool for his ‘Blind Hatred’.
First picture coming from the Moon by #VikramLander Wowww #justasking pic.twitter.com/RNy7zmSp3G
User’s Reply
Are you so blind in your hate for Modiji that you are MOCKING the hard work of our ISRO scientists & made-in-India mission #Chandrayaan3 with Vikram lander named after Vikram Sarabhai, father of our space program ? 🤨🤨
— PallaviCT (@pallavict) August 20, 2023Filthy Prakash Raj mocks ISRO and Indian space mission due to hate against Modi.
Imagine hatred against Modi and Hindus converts hatred against India.
Reaction of @prakashraaj after moon landing. #JustAsking pic.twitter.com/8idZpxE3rQ
Earlier, Prakash Raj regularly attacked BJP and Prime Minister Narendra Modi by addressing him as “Chaiwala” on his social media handle.
Dear Supreme Station master..What time is the TRAIN TO MANIPUR .. #ManipurBurning #justasking https://t.co/ik1lTHhHPe
— Prakash Raj (@prakashraaj) August 7, 2023Perfect … Who ever did this .. love u.. #justasking pic.twitter.com/doXgMr2X3O
— Prakash Raj (@prakashraaj) June 1, 2023ncG1vNJzZmiin6q%2Fr63Lm5%2BaqpGpe6S7zGirsKGkqbKzecKroK2hk57Hpr%2BMmpqtp6JivbOtypqqoWWilre0ecWiqaysXaW2pMDUq5xmnqKkum65zqilZqifqMFurdJmmaWhnpl6qa3Tq5ydZw%3D%3D